Technical Capability

Technological Development

As the world's leading auto parts sol司電utions provider, CITIC Dicastal has和街 R&D branches overseas (North Amer睡冷ica, Europe and Japan) and domesti畫分cally (Changchun, Shanghai, etc.) 志話with centralized customers, pro看事viding on-site design services and e了錯ngineering supports, achieving a glob玩紅al reach of R&D institutions.舞放 The PLM system is used to reali地技ze the whole life cycle managem錯討ent of products, which serves as a powe志事rful support for trans-regional and cro鐘鐵ss-time zones collaborative design.

By supporting customized produ間煙cts to OEMs in Europe, North America, 放民Japan and many independent brands, Dic河制astal has a deep understanding of 請房the design requirements, technical訊術 standards and R&D process紙也es of different customers worldw木短ide, being able to quickly provide 票但customers with “integrated soluti哥明ons”, offer various creative choice愛視s starting from the very beginni老章ng: vehicle conceptual stage. Equipped 農我with diversified mainstream technolo請但gies of forming aluminum parts (low pr生月essure casting, cast flow formin農問g (CFF), forging, counter pressu秒一re casting (CPC), high pressure cas場算ting (HPC), high vacuum casting, etc.兒個), Dicastal manufactures products with美物 more than 100 kinds of differen秒鐘t surface conditions to meet t跳河he specialized requirements of custo行對mers around the world.

Adhering to the "customer-centric話員” development idea and based on st科舞rong R&D capabilities, Dicast議還al has become the supplier of doz白金ens of well-known automobile e通生nterprises, and has been working with W紙志illiams F1 team (the United Kingdo光聽m) in R&D to carry out hig船自h-end lightweight racing wheels.

Dicastal has established a mechanism t低店o stimulate technological inno是輛vations by working in close coop去慢eration with the universities 器南and research institutions at home 火嗎and abroad (North America, Europe,街用 Japan) for technological progr問快ess. In recent years, we have deve好劇loped the casting water cooling 機近technology, two-tone paint process, 章能transparent color paint technology公雜, media polish surface treatmen話師t and many other new technologies 著日and products, led or participated in 會物the development of many national or我城 industry standards, boasting more 了視than 2,000 patents.

Testing Capacity

CITIC Dicastal has the internationa唱還lly advanced test laboratory with com河頻plete test items and technologi物工es for auto wheel and chassis parts 答了testing. Test results are well ac照科cepted by major automotive OEMs worl如說dwide. In December 2007, CITIC Dicastal學自 Test Center passed ISO / IEC 17025 畫什certification.

CITIC Dicastal Test Center has m筆明ore than 70 sets of various equipmen哥有t, which can be utilized for mor國高e than 100 test items including dimens內子ional inspection, metallurgical m日微aterial performance test, reliab我外ility and safety test, plating and co得友ating performance test, as well as oth票劇er tests. CITIC Dicastal Test Ce有微nter is the first lab launched ra關為dial impact test, biaxial fati務身gue testing and filiform test on時能 wheel program in China.

CITIC Dicastal Test Center has int爸林ernationally advanced hydraulic test兒路ing system, which can be utilize業靜d for single channel or multi-答紅channel durability and strength test on購數 structural chassis parts under normal 南票or extreme conditions. CITIC Dicas美的tal Test Center is also capable fo計短r design of test plan, criteria and fix爸嗎tures for steering knuckles.

In recent 2 years, CITIC Dicast舊用al Test Center has completed f高看ollowing test items: Rim strength ver聽笑ification; Balance weight adhesi聽樹on test; Wheel inertia evaluatio南舊n; Wheel stress-strain test; W事靜heel rigidity test; Wheel frequency te南會st; Wheel lug seat strength test到光. Following researches are under devel車和opment: Study of fatigue charac她花teristic on material; S-N curve slop短自e research of bending fatigue test大做 for aluminum wheels; Study of low pres電窗sure casting wheel casting defect章紙s and microstructure to the wheel per線訊formance; Application study of 他山radial impact test;

CITIC Dicastal Test Center particip南體ates in making or revising a nu知音mber of national standards and industry喝是-standards.

CITIC Dicastal Test Center communicat的冷es and cooperates with leading Universi內藍ty domestic and overseas as well a睡放s National Nonferrous Metal Researc就紙h Institute on test study and anal化美ysis. Test center also cooperated 金民and mutual recognized with the world快紅 advanced testing organizations such是是 as ITS, SAE, TUV and BMW.
